Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Removing Burned Food from a Crock Pot/Slow Cooker

Our apple tree has given us many apples this year, and a few weeks ago, I decided to make apple butter with our apples.  I pulled out my easy and trusted recipe I got from a friend a few years ago and mixed all the ingredients in my new crock pot.  The recipe called for cooking the apple butter overnight on the low setting, and I had done this multiple times with great success.  Our old crock pot had been 23 years old and one of those round shaped, upright kind.  Its glass lid broke, and we finally threw it away.  To replace it, we purchased a much larger sized, oval one. 
I set the apple butter to cook on low in our new crock pot and left it to do its thing overnight.  I was a little concerned when I went to bed because the butter looked almost done to me.  However, I didn’t want to turn if off too early, so I left it on.  We woke up in the morning to a horrible, totally blackened mess in the crock pot.  The apple butter was burned to a crisp—a rock-hardened crisp.  The new crockpot had been too large for the amount of apple butter I had put in there to cook.  Very disappointing, to say the least, that I had wasted so many delicious apples from our tree. 
We set the stoneware of the pot to soak with lots of hot water and left it for a few hours.  As we attempted to clean it, we realized the blackened burned stuff wasn’t going anywhere.  It was cooked on to the stoneware.  My husband did a lot of hard scraping with knives and spoons that we probably shouldn’t have done on that stoneware, but we were getting desperate, and I needed my crockpot in a few days for a planned dinner meal.  I soaked it longer, searched the internet for ideas, and also emailed the manufacturer for assistance on what to do.
On the internet I found some ideas for using vinegar, salt, or baking soda.  The manufacturer emailed me back and said vinegar was their only solution.  We let that pot soak overnight for many nights taking turns with water, soapy water, vinegar, salt, and baking soda.  But we couldn’t make any progress in removing the remaining stuck on blackened apple butter from it.  I was beginning to lose hope and think that I would have to throw away my new pot.  One day, I even tried scrubbing it with Goof Off and some super orange cleaner.  Nothing. 
Finally, an idea came to my mind.  It was my last resort.  I wet the stoneware with vinegar and applied a thick layer of baking soda on top of it.  After letting it sit for a few hours, I poured vinegar on the paste, let it foam up for a few seconds, and rinsed with water.  YEAH!  It was beginning to loosen the blackened gunk!  As I rinsed with water, I could see little chunks of black floating away.  I remoistened the pot with vinegar and reapplied another thick layer of baking soda and left it overnight.  The next morning, I poured fresh vinegar to create the foaming reaction and rinsed again; most of the burned stuff came off this time.  I was so excited about the progress!!  I repeated the process once again overnight; and after that time, the stoneware came completely clean.
So there you go.  No need to throw that pot away.  There is a way to get that blackened, burned food off.  It’s simple, it’s cheap, and it’s not hazardous to the environment!  

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Worrisome Vaccines

When my children were babies and toddlers, I never even thought twice about having them vaccinated. My doctor vaccinated my children routinely, and I completely believed vaccines were the best thing for my children's future health. Over the last few years, as I have done more of my own research and read further, I have come to greatly question the use vaccines and their ingredients--even to the point of questioning some of the vaccines routinely given to my dogs.

In this recent article by Dr. Mercola, more information is given regarding vaccines. The article includes information on the "latest and greatest" HPV vaccine. Please, please do not vaccinate your children without more information.

Dr. Mercola's article begins as follows:

A study conducted at the University of Michigan shows that, although parents overwhelmingly share the belief that vaccines are a good way to protect their children from disease, these same parents express concerns regarding potential adverse effects of vaccines.

They especially seem to question the safety of new vaccines.

The study is based on a survey of more than 1,500 parents that was conducted last year. About 12 percent of parents said they had refused to allow their children to receive a vaccine that a doctor recommended.

Those parents tended to shy away from four vaccines:

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, because of concerns about side effects
  • Vaccine for meningococcal diseases, because of the risk of Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, an immune system disorder
  • The shot for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), because of potential autism risk
  • Chickenpox (varicella) vaccine

Of those who said they had refused a certain vaccine for their child(ren), the greatest share of parents said their concerns were based on something they had read, or heard, about the vaccine. An almost equal number said they believed that the risk for adverse effects from the vaccine was too great.

The study’s authors concluded that this finding indicates that current public health education campaigns on vaccine safety have not been effective, and that officials should make a better attempt at assuaging parents’ safety concerns.

The authors also suggested that the use of newer social marketing techniques (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) might be potential strategies for spreading the word about vaccines.

Read the rest of this informative article at Dr. Mercola's web link.

Shocking News on Agave Nectar

Dr. Mercola recently wrote an
exposing article on the truth about Agave nectar. I've never liked the flavor of the stuff and much prefer to use Stevia as a sugar substitute. Keep in mind, not all Stevia products taste alike. One of the best tasting Stevia I have ever used comes from Stevia Canada. If you don't mind ordering from this Canadian company and waiting to receive your product over the mail, I highly recommend it. If you prefer to hop in your car and buy your Stevia locally, I recommend the NOW Brand "Stevia Balance" packets. Those are also of excellent taste.

Here is how Dr. Mercola begins his expose on the Agave nectar:

Many people interested in staying healthy have switched to agave as a safer "natural" sweetener. They want to avoid well documented dangerous sweeteners like HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) but are unaware that most agave is actually WORSE than HFCS.

This expose will offend many hard core natural health advocates because they have been convinced of the agave hype by companies that are promoting it.

Some have even criticized me for having “ulterior” motives. But nothing could be further from the truth. Although I do offer natural health products for sale on this site, I sell no competing products to agave.

Rather, I recommend other options such as stevia products. You can also use xylitol in small amounts or glucose which is sold as dextrose and can easily be purchased on Amazon for $1 per pound. I do not sell any of these products.

My only purpose for sharing this information is to help people understand the truth about health. In case you haven’t noticed, we have an epidemic of obesity in the US and it wasn’t until recently that my eyes opened up to the primary cause - - fructose.

I had similar epiphanies about omega-3 fats and vitamin D since I started this site, but this is the most major health appreciation I have had since I learned about vitamin D over five years ago. This is serious business and it is my intention to make the public fully aware of it and let you make your own choices.

Yes it is all about freedom of choice. It is hard to have freedom if you aren’t given the entire story, and up until now that has been the case with agave.

To read the rest of this article, go to the link at Dr. Mercola's website.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Latest News on Aspartame

Well, here is the latest news from Dr. Mercola on one of America's favorite and dangerous artificial sweeteners, Aspartame. Even though this artificial sweetener has had quite the controversial beginning and history, it continues to be used in countless food products. Here is further news about the deceptive marketing techniques used trying to convince people this is a perfectly safe and healthy alternative to sugar.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Do Bisphosphonates REALLY Help Bones?

Almost couple of years ago, I was diagnosed as being in the stages of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. I had just turned 40. Of course, my doctor suggested I immediately begin taking some type of Bisphosphonate like Boniva. I chose to not follow that route.

First of all, I wanted to do my own research of exactly how these drugs work. I checked out a bunch of books from the library on Osteoporosis and read articles on the internet, especially from some of my more favorite natural healthcare sites. I definitely avoided any websites that were sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.

Second of all, I had been told that Bisphosphonates are hard on the digestive system. I really did not want to aggravate my already sensitive system any further.

What I discovered in my research was that while Bisphosphonates do increase bone density, it is not a healthy increase. Bisphosphonates build up the bones with OLD bone.

Our bones are constantly renewing themselves. Those drugs prevent the old bone from being removed, hence increasing bone density, but doing so with old, weak bone. And in the long run, most probably leading to a higher incidence of fractures and creating bones that have great difficulty healing in the event of such a fracture.

The Health Watcher's News has recently published a new article giving further light on the truth of Bisphosphonates. Read the article called "Bisphosphonates: Bone Strengtheners or Bone Hardeners" and inform yourself!

"Natural" Deodorants and Aluminum

WOW! I am so excited to get recently updated information from Dr. Mercola on deodorants and the aluminum found in them. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's, and it is best to avoid all deodorants or anti-perspirants that contain it. I had no idea that there are deodorants currently on the market claiming to be "natural" or aluminum free that actually still contain some aluminum. Please inform yourself by reading Dr. Mercola's article: Stop Using "Natural" Deodorants Until You Read This. EXCELLENT information!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jean's Story and Helpful Info with Web Links

In November of 2009 I received an email from Jean after she discovered this blog. With permission, I post Jean’s emails to me here because I believe they can certainly help someone else reading this blog if they face similar circumstances as Jean. Plus, Jean offered many helpful links for further research and information. Thank you, Jean.

Jean’s first email to me:

Hi Mary Ann,

Well, I was glad to see your post since it mirrored some of my own 'events' and research. Isn't it a shame that it's so difficult to get constructive medical help for digestive issues!

My own story is quite similar to yours, though never identified as 'acid reflux'. I have had several health issues crop up since menopause some 10 years ago. First, it was relentless weight gain that was unresponsive to diet and exercise (only gained, never lost). I did a lot of research and finally got diagnosed as sub-clinically hypothyroid and used Armour, which helped with numerous symptoms but not weight. Even with all the changes, I still do better on Armour than any of the synthetics. Obtaining Naturethroid around here is exceedingly difficult, and I haven't yet found a pharmacy willing to get it.

Then, after several years, I started having episodes of what I thought were lactose intolerance, followed by dairy intolerance and intolerance to beef....

In 2006, I went vegan in an attempt to reverse what doctors told me was a march into diabetes (successfully reversed by vegan diet). Eating vegan (no animal products) certainly reduced stomach troubles since plants apparently are easier to digest. But during that same period I also discovered that my adrenal function was very low.

My vitamin D levels were about 20, similar to yours. Took me several months of 5000iu/day to get into the normal range, and I currently take 10,000iu/day over the winter. (I'll see what my most recent numbers are after I get the results of this last week's tests.) I was aggravated that I had to argue my doctor into doing the D test, then discover it was so low since low D raises the risk for about 26 different cancers. See:




and a truly excellent video presentation at:


It's both informative and funny (ignore the dinosaurs and evolution references). The important info is about D.

In January of 2008, I had an extremely painful stomach episode, and eventually went to the ER as my heart rate and blood pressure were extremely high (scared the ER staff). After running about $9000 worth of tests (thankfully covered under our health insurance) they came bounding back to tell me they couldn't find anything particularly wrong and it must have been something I ate...." Well, golly, fellas, that's the best you can come up with?

Fortunately, I had just started working with a FNP who had a background in nutrition and who also has digestive issues. She immediately thought of low stomach acid and recommended Betaine HCL with Pepsin (I use Solaray or NSI 650mg) and, like you, that has provided real relief - but not all of the answers.

In my research, I've come across some info that you might want to check out for yourself. First, the Gastroparesis articles written by Dr.Bernstein do have application for low levels of stomach acid since the symptoms of the two disorders overlap. They are posted at:


The article are #8-17 though the reading order is reversed with the earlier articles being the higher numbers thus the first article is #17, etc. Articles 6, 7, 8, 9 are of particular interest and are short reads.

Next, I have come across the concept that raw daily green smoothies WILL help improve low stomach acid conditions. It's in the back of the book "Green For Life": http://www.rawfamily.com/prodlinks/gfl.html

I do know that when I use green smoothies I see/feel a nearly immediate energy response. Noticing that positive reaction and realizing that digestion was indeed a problem for me, I've shifted over to liquid vitamins. I currently use 'Lifetime Life's Basics Whole Food Concentrate' though there are a number of brands available. I've also shifted to liquid Calcium, B and trying liquid D - all in an effort to overcome the various deficiencies that have developed over time due to my poor digestion. I am happy to say that I saw an immediate improvement in energy levels after about 2 weeks or less using the liquid vitamins.

Lastly, exercises like walking are said to stimulate digestion, and since walking is hard for me I've been having good success by using my rebounder (mini-trampoline). Three minutes several times a day really gets the lymphatic system moving and seems to improve digestion too. It ought to be as helpful as the Flamingo stance in strengthening bone as well.

I now eat predominately vegan, but as I have low adrenal function, animal proteins are considered necessary to resolve adrenal issues. I have a lot of trouble digestion animal proteins (except fish and seafood) So...I eat a fruit smoothie in the a.m., my 'animal protein' (usually fish or shrimp) with lunch, and try to eat a light dinner (soup and salad). I've been considering grinding up cooked meat or pureeing it to get more protein into the day, but so far haven't actually gone to that length.

Eating vegan works very well overall, but it's hard to get the recommended amount of plant protein that is apparently needed for adrenal repair in a strictly plant-based diet.

I just wanted to share the info that I've found and congratulate you on your blog!

Jean’s second email to me:

Hi Mary Ann,

I just wanted to touch base with someone else that's diligently working on resolving digestive issues from the 'patient' side of the health care equation. It's actually quite surprising that there is so little general knowledge about using diet to correct digestion. Fortunately, I have the time and experience to do research, otherwise I'd be even worse off ;)

As I read others stories, I realize my own digestive problems pale by comparison. So many people are dealing with really, really severe digestive issues. It's somewhat frightening to realize the current medical system knows so very little about digestion and can offer so little in the way of real help. If I wanted to be guinea pig I'd grow fur! The person with digestive issues really IS on their own.

Keep in touch as you uncover new ideas.

Jean’s third email to me:

I agree that not all people with digestive disorders are ready for dietary change because we tend to like life as it is. There's a quote around that goes something like "it's easier to change a man's religion than his diet" which is too true to be humorous, especially for men.

Women tend to be more pragmatic about diet changes.

I've found that leading by example works best, along with open discussion on diet topics with friends and family. People understand that I eat mostly vegan for health and not political reasons so they feel less judged. I really don't expect people to change, but I make sure they have the info needed just in case they surprise me.

Just in case you hadn't already come across this info, one of the earliest dietary items I came across was related to Melvin Page, a dentist, and his work on balancing blood chemistry through diet:




Basically, variations of Page's work forms the foundation of many of our modern popular 'diet' books.

And it's pretty consistent across the digestive discussion boards that to resolve digestive issues one has to go back to 'real' food, preferably organic, and simplify, simplify. Basically, our internal 'ecosystem' is under assault and some individual's digestive 'ecosystems' are much more sensitive than others. When we eat we are engaging in internal ecosystem management, with all the problems of over population in some areas, under population in others, pollution, timing problems, damage control, etc.

I think the hardest dietary adjustment for me has been the need to go back to cooking from scratch (or nearly from scratch), and I really am not a great cook, nor do I enjoy cooking. But, cooking from scratch is the only way to limit )(*&^% in the daily meals.

Another hard adjustment is that the sequence of events in digestive disintegration are hard to pin down. So, just when you think you are onto something useful, you find out you are asking the wrong questions or following the wrong lead. Example: I thought I was developing food intolerances, when in fact the problem was actually low stomach acid. But I didn't know anything about Hypochlorhydria's connection to food intolerances as the books don't really discuss that aspect. Once I discovered Hypochlorhydria information, it became clear that Hypochlorhydria must have preceded my food intolerances. It's really hard to find out exactly which symptom leads to the cart and which symptom leads you to the horse, and reversing problems really depends on getting the cart behind the horse.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you Jean, for all the helpful insight and links. Jean is very right in her assessment that diet changes are hard to make, but they are worth the effort. And it is hard to figure out what symptoms are the cart and which are the horse leading the cart. However, I encourage us all to persevere, for our own health.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Sad State of Our Food Industry

About nine years ago, I became outraged at the introduction of rBGH growth hormone in the US milk supply. I couldn’t believe that when my children drank their milk, they would also be getting a dose of added hormones that would eventually affect their own hormone levels. I made the decision to stop buying “hormoned” milk, as I called it, and instead found a hormone-free milk supplier. Purchasing hormone free, natural milk was more expensive but worth my peace of mind. Little did I realize back then that this one change would only be the beginning of major changes in my future food buying habits.

Over the last nine years, I have gone from buying natural, hormone free milk to purchasing completely organic milk, meats, fruits, vegetables, and grains. While we do not eat a 100% natural, organic diet, the majority of it is natural and/or organic. I began with the milk which was the most important thing to me nine years ago and slowly changed to add organic fruits and vegetables. The more I paid attention to our food industry and the practices that were taking place, the more disgusted I became thinking about the amount of chemical pesticides which are sprayed on crops and that my family was ingesting those pesticides. After the fruits and vegetables change, I also became concerned about the meat that we were eating. Especially the more I heard about mad cow disease and its association with cows being fed grain and grain that also had animal by-products in it. Cows were never meant to eat grain, and the grain sours in their stomachs. Grass fed cows store way more nutrients and healthy omega fatty acids in their body. The industrial meat supply has also been compromised by hormones and antibiotics. I eventually discovered a local source of grass-fed bison and over time it became the only red meat we purchase.

Over the years, I have been observing the changes that have come about in the US population as the people have been pumped full of antibiotics and hormones through the food supply. The misuse of antibiotics by people, along with the abuse of antibiotics in our food supply have created antibiotic resistant diseases. The extra hormones fed into the human body have caused girls to become fully developed sooner than ever and caused them to start their menstrual cycles at way too early ages. I have also observed that a great deal of boys and men are growing breasts. To me, this is such an obvious effect of men getting added doses of hormones they were never meant to absorb.

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I watched an incredible documentary called Food, Inc.

This documentary is based on some books that have been written by people who have taken a hard look at the industrialized food industry and exposed the ugly truth of what is going on. As I watched the documentary, I was totally appalled that what I had guessed was happening was truly taking place and in greater detrimental extents than I had taken the time to imagine or research.

I strongly urge everyone to visit the Food, Inc. website, watch the documentary, read the books associated with it, and inform themselves of what is happening and where their food supply is coming from. It is only through the consumer being informed, outraged, and taking action that anything will change! The food industry hopes that we will all remain ignorant of what is being done to us, all in the name of giving us the “cheap” food we thoughtlessly demand. If it is dollar “cheap” food we demand, it will also be “cheap” food that we will ingest. We may think we are saving money on the food now, but we will certainly pay for it later with our ill health and medical bills.

For whatever reasons and for whatever God’s purposes are, this is one of the things I am passionate about in life. So I write about it here, hoping that this information will be of help to someone else who may come across it.

To healthy eating!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Grave Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup

Americans love their sugar, but the high amounts of sugar that we swallow every year are of great detriment to our health.

Dr. Mercola just posted a wonderful article regarding sugar and high fructose corn syrup. The article begins by saying:

"Research shows this sweetener can cause much more damage than table sugar to human metabolism, trigger early sings of diabetes and heart disease, and cause dangerous growths of fat cells around vital organs."

Read the very informative article in its entirety at Mercola.com