WOW! I just barely caught this video while it was still available for free online viewing. I am astounded that Burzynski’s cancer cure is virtually unknown by the large public.
Why is that?!
You would think that if a cure for cancer has been found--especially a non-toxic one--doctors all over the nation, the National Cancer Institute, and the government would be tooting their horns about it super loud. And one would think that if a cure for cancer had been found, millions of dollars would be funneled to furthering the research and development of this cure.
Oh, but no…That is not happening because cancer is serious business! There is a ridiculously huge amount of money involved in the cancer business. And the MANY involved in the business of producing more “pharmaceutical drugs” and of “curing cancer” only using traditional chemotherapy and radiation treatments do not want to lose their precious income. They do not care whatsoever about the best interest of the public affected by cancer. They care about keeping their hands deep in the cookie jar and filling their pockets with more money, even at the expense of human lives. And they will go to any outrageous lengths to stop Dr. Burzynski from treating cancer patients with his cure.
PLEASE! I urge you to inform yourself and order the DVD for the Burzynski video and watch it. Share it with all your loved ones and friends. Your life or theirs may depend on it!
Take charge of your health and keep yourself informed.