Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Recommendations for Probiotics and Betaine HCl

A reader recently asked me for my recommendations for probiotics.  Probiotics are beneficial bacteria and yeasts.  Good bacteria in our bodies keep in balance all the bad bacteria.

First, I would like to say that probiotics are absolutely critical to a healthy digestive system.  We must have a balance of good bacteria in our gut, or we will be prone to a host of health problems.  If the bacteria in our digestive tract is out of balance, our entire body health will also be out of balance.  Probiotics cured me from a horrible antibiotic induced colitis back in 2004.  I plan on sharing more about that experience on this blog in the future. 

Second, I want to make the point that probiotics were not the solution to my low stomach acid problem (hypochlorhydria).  To resolve the acid reflux that I was having due to the low stomach acid, I had to begin taking a Betaine HCl supplement with all my meals.

Here are my top recommendations for probiotics and Betaine HCl:

For superb quality probiotics, my top recommendation is the Garden of Life Primal Defense product.  I’ve used their products for many years, with great success.  Their Primal Defense product cured me of that antibiotic induced colitis back in 2004.  I experienced two terrible bouts of colitis, lasting 10 days each, within six weeks of each other.  With each instance, I lost 10 pounds. On the first bout of colitis, I went to the doctor and tried their suggested route of taking more antibiotics (in spite of the fact that an antibiotic had been the reason for my problem) and eating yogurt.  Six weeks later, when the colitis returned as bad as the first time, I resolved to try a different way.  Obviously, what the doctor had prescribed had not worked, and I despised the side effects of the antibiotic I had been previously given.  I searched my condition (antibiotic induced colitis and Clostridium difficile bacteria) on the internet along with possible solutions and discovered the Garden of Life Primal Defense product as a probable solution.  Immediately, I ordered it, and the day it arrived and I began taking it, the colitis began to go away.  I’ve never had another bout of colitis again.  I still use Primal Defense today.  The Garden of Life supplements can be purchased at a local natural or health food store or ordered online for a very reasonable cost at the Vitacost online site.   

For a superb Betaine HCl supplement, I recommend the Bluebonnet Nutrition brand which is of the highest quality and is actually made from beets.  This brand provides a higher dose of Betaine and also includes Pepsin, which is another digestive aid.  I was using the TwinLabs brand for years until I noticed TwinLabs was no longer producing the HCl from actual beets and instead making a synthetic version.  The Bluebonnet brand was recently out of stock from the manufacturer, and while I waited to get more, I went back to using the TwinLabs brand.  I noticed that the TwinLabs Betaine tended to make my stomach hurt and cramp.  Therefore, I plan on staying away from it altogether in the future.   The Bluebonnet brand is more expensive, but I believe it is worth it!  I have to take too many of these pills every day and cannot afford a “cheap” synthetic version.  It is critical I have a quality product.  I get the best deals for the Bluebonnet Nutrition Betaine HCl by purchasing from House of Nutrition online site .    

I also recommend the Garden of Life Q-Zyme enzyme supplement and have found it to be extremely helpful with digestion and acid reflux.

I consider Garden of Life Primal Defense, Bluebonnet Betaine HCl, and Garden of Life Q-Zyme to be extremely important daily supplements for a healthy digestive system.  I believe this due to my personal experiences.