Urgent and vital information you need to know about the massive amount of disinformation that the media has recently escalated as best demonstrated by 60 Minutes segment on Swine Flu which aired this past Sunday.
Normally our editorial process has us test, research and review articles over a three week period before it finally reaches the newsletter. However, this article is an exception which is why it is coming out as a special alert.
Read my special report on this vital topic so you can avoid deception and manipulation by the conventional media.
The last time we sent out a special report like this over one million people viewed the page and it was the sixth most viewed page on the Internet that day. So our apologies if our servers are not giving you the page as quickly as you would like. Just be patient and keep trying.
I, like many others, consider 60-Minutes an excellent source of journalism. Their executive producer, Don Hewitt died earlier this year after leading the program for 41 years to one of the most successful programs in the history of television. His guiding principle was to tell a story and is actually a strategy I am seeking to implement on this site.
Last Sunday, their lead story was no exception and followed the champion strategy of telling the story of a young high school football player who was infected with the H1N1 virus...
The purpose of his article is to lay down further facts about the risks of H1N1 and vaccination and to bring about moderate reasoning instead of panic. The article points out certain questions that were asked in the 60 Minutes episode but also that were not asked which may have also helped to understand why some people have worse reactions than others. Check the article out for yourself and be informed.